Fundraising Ideas (A-Z)

Looking to support Cystic Fibrosis Canada through fundraising but feeling uncertain about where to start?

Whether you're just beginning your fundraising journey or you're a seasoned pro, we believe that everyone can benefit from some fresh inspiration! 

Look here to find a wide range of options suitable for all ages and abilities. Whether you're up for a challenging adventure or seeking something more time-efficient, we're here to assist you in discovering the perfect fit. 


A-Z Ideas

Bake Off

Ask all employees with baking talent to donate a home-made sweet treat that will be sold to the rest of the organization as donations to Cystic Fibrosis Canada. 

Board Game Tournament 

Use the off season of your club activities to organize diverse board game tournaments and keep working on your team collaboration skills! 

Book sale

Collect and sell used books donated by students and faculty. 

Guess what’s in the Box

Use the occasion of a school fair or any community event to set up a booth with a mystery item in an opaque box – winning guesses double their money 

Car Wash

Gather a group of friends to volunteer and set up a carwash on a supermarket parking lot. We suggest $15 if the car can be washed in approximately 20 minutes, but you can charge more for larger SUVs. 

CF Awareness Day

Use the beginning of the school/calendar year to make a presentation and educate your class about what cystic fibrosis is and how it affects you or your community. Set up a penny jar after the presentation and ask for donations. 

Change of location

It can be as simple as organizing your usual activity in a new location to make it a little more fun. Take care of the logistics, bring some snacks, and request a participation fee as donation. 

Collection Jar

If your activity is done indoors, use our jar sticker template to set up coins collection stations in key spots of the building. 

Community Picnic

Bring families together with a giant picnic in your local park. Everyone can participate by supporting lemonade stands, BBQ sales and a face-painting station.

Cycle to the office for a month challenge

Commit to cycling to work every day for a month and ask your colleagues to support your efforts with a donation to Cystic Fibrosis Canada. 

Dress up day 

Choose a theme for all members to dress up and get to know each other – use this time to share your connection to CF and request donations. 

Escape Game challenge between teams

Start a friendly competition to see which team will solve all the puzzles first. Participants pay to enter, and the losing team has the duty to raise an extra $200. 

Fantasy League

Charge entry fees for a fantasy sports league and offer a portion of the fees as prize money, with the rest going to the fundraiser. 

Gift Wrapping Service

Set up a gift-wrapping station in a local shopping centre, charge a $2 fee for each item. 

Historical Tour

Create a route showcasing your city’s most interesting features and invite newcomers to discover them with you. 

Informal Review: 

Ask employees to give a positive shout-out to the business online and for each of them the organization will make a $10 donation to Cystic Fibrosis Canada. 

Lesson Tutor

 Offer to tutor other students in the subject you have the best grades in, and request a donation as payment for your efforts.

Live Talent Show

Create a live event showcasing all the talented individuals in your community requesting donations as entry fee. 


If your club/association is at least a few years old, try to dig up a few funny photos and some fun facts, and create a piece of memorabilia you can share with the newcomers for a donation to Cystic Fibrosis Canada. 

Modern skills

Create a service for senior citizens looking to learn modern skills such as social media content creation or using AI tools, to be paired with capable community members for a fee. 

Movie night

Rent a big screen and a projector and organize an outdoor movie night in a local park with the entry fee as donations. You can take the occasion to sell snacks to generate more funds. 

Murder mystery in the office

Provide a role to a few willing team members to act at work and have the rest of the office try to figure out who is the murderer. $10 to enter and the winner gets $50. 

Personal Skills Auction

Request employees to commit 2 hours of their time to teach a personal skill they have honed, such as workout plans or AI tools, and offer them as items to bid on in an auction. 

Pet Washing Service 

Set up a washing station in your local dog park and offer owners to give their pup a good clean (better done in the spring for the abundance of muddy days but not too cold). 

Plant sales

Before Mother’s Day plant some seedlings in small pots and sell the plants in your neighborhood for an easy last-minute present. 

Professional Skills Auction

Request employees to commit 2 hours’ of their time to teach a skill useful in the work environment and offer them as items to bid on in an auction. 

Puppy Play 

During the exam period, bring well-behaved dogs to the campus and offer play/relax sessions to students for a $5 fee. 

Record breaking attempt

Challenge your group to a record-breaking day/month setting up milestones to achieve and pairing them with fundraising goals. 

Regifting gift sales

Use this group to repurpose gifts you no longer have use for. 

Scavenger Hunt 

Organize a scavenger hunt on campus or in a big park. 

Share a skill

As you already have shared interest with this group, you can propose to teach one of your skills to the members for donations to Cystic Fibrosis 

Snack sale

Buy snacks or sweets in bulk and resell them at schools, all profits donated to Cystic Fibrosis Canada. 

Take the stairs only for a month challenge

Commit yourself to only take stairs every day for a month and ask your colleague to support your efforts with a donation to Cystic Fibrosis Canada 

Team run/walk

Create a running/walking club to engage in team bonding and healthy pursuit. Select ideal routes, track progress and offer snacks for a participation fee. 

Valentine’s Day Card

Set up a Valentine’s Day Card service, writing and delivering love notes for a fee. 

Extra vacation day raffle

Ask your boss to donate an extra vacation day and use it as raffle prize 

Virtual Reality Experience Night

Rent VR equipment and create a unique experience where participants can travel to different parts of the world or engage in exciting activities for a small fee. 

Have your own idea?

Click here to Get Original and start your fundraiser today

Go for it! I remember thinking that my business was too small, and I could never fundraise as much as some of the other larger events and I got intimidated. But somewhere along my journey as a CF Mom, I realized that if our community does small things together, with great love, we can do wonderful things. And we do! Even the smallest contributions can have a huge impact.

- Sasha Haughian, Change Maker

1305-20 Eglinton Avenue West

Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1K8

Cystic Fibrosis Canada Further
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